Create or Upload
Create documents from templates or upload your own
Team Collaboration
Invite team members to manage client workload
Get legally binding electronic signatures
Secure Share
Industry standard encryption to store and share documents
Popular Features
Electronic Signatures
Get legally binding electronic signatures to complete your paperwork quickly
Reusable Templates
Create reusable templates to fill your regularly used documents
Contact List
Save your contacts to expedite e-signing and sharing documents
Automatic Reminders
Configure automatic reminders to ensure your documents are signed on time
Cloud Storage
Store your documents securely in cloud to ensure easy access from anywhere and anytime
Fillable Fields
Transform documents into an interactive fillable form
Create Documents From Templates
Your copilot for automating paperwork
ThinPaper instantly generates any document you need – personalized and ready to share in minutes. ThinPaper is the simple and fast way to create, customize, and sign documents. Choose from our template library for business or personal use, or bring your own. Customize and fill agreements and forms in minutes with our guided editor. Download and print them. Share them online with your team and clients for signing and get legally binding e-signatures in a snap. Whether you’re an individual or business team, ThinPaper makes your document workflow simple, seamless, and secure. Plus our pricing plans are crafted to fit your needs.