Utah General Bill of Sale
A Utah general bill of sale is a legal paper that documents and certifies the transaction of private items between two people. The purchaser, the vendor, the transfer of proprietorship, and the item itself are all listed on the document. This paperwork should be notarized.

By detailing the cost and setting of the transaction, and also the terms of the sold property, this document safeguards the interests of the purchaser and the vendor. If any problems or claims occur, the rights of all parties in the transaction are honored. This document can also be used as lawful proof of completing a transaction. Utah does not offer any government-supplied templates that can be utilized for personal sales.

How Do I Complete a Utah Bill of Sale?

The state doesn't mandate you to complete a form for all property transfers, particularly if you are selling minor private items. Filling out a form, on the other hand, is a key stage in trading products in a personal transaction. It can be used as a sales slip because it specifies the particular amount and transaction date. The purchaser's rights to the stated property are backed up by a fully completed Utah Bill of Sale.

Ensure the information outlined below is included on this form for effective security against potential claims:

  • Private details of the vendor: only the bare minimum is necessary, like the vendor's name and contact address. You can also include the driver's license number and mobile phone number;

  • Identification details for the purchaser: incorporate the purchaser's information in the same way;

  • Describe the item, such as the serial number, color, and material. If there are any flaws, state them.

  • State the conditions of transfer as well as the acquisition cost. If the property is a present, make a note of it in the paperwork.

  • Give the deal's start and end dates;

  • The individuals or entities involved in the transaction may then sign after reviewing the statements.

  • Make available two copies of the finished paperwork, one for the vendor and the other for the purchaser.

A Bill of Sale is a piece of paperwork that the vendor and the purchaser are strongly advised to maintain for their records and to steer clear of future legal complications.

Is it necessary to notarize a bill of sale in Utah?

Although a notary public is not required in Utah for a General Bill of Sale, it is recommended to notarize or have an eyewitness in a transaction to ensure the sale has occurred. This can help avoid any issues that may arise if the vendor or purchaser protests the sale at a later date.