The Sale Document has to safeguard both the vendor's and the purchaser's lawful interests, so include the details outlined below in your form:
Details on the individuals or entities IDs. Names, complete mailing addresses, and contact numbers should be included. You may also include the digits from your driver's license.
The sold property is described in detail. This information must be used to identify the property. Model, make, year, size, color, serial and identification numbers, and other pertinent information should be entered. Include any extras or customizations that are attached to the item in writing.
Indicate the cost and mode of payment. If the goods are being presented as a gift, include that information in this paper as well.
The transaction's date and location;
Information about the transaction: The date on which a document takes effect must be included in every document. If the transfer is made under any unusual circumstances, be sure to include them in this section. If the payment is divided into numerous parts, for example, indicate the amount of each part and the due date for each part.
The following is a disclaimer for the vendor. The customer has to accept all of the property's flaws, if any, and take it in its present state - "as is";
More requirements are stated below. The individuals or entities can discuss and include any extra conditions to the form;
Both the seller's and the buyer's signatures are required. The signatures are an acknowledgment that the vendor willingly turns over the indicated goods and that the buyer accepts them under the terms stated. Prepare two original copies of the document and preserve one for your records
Although notarizing an Oregon general bill of sale is not required by law, it can give an extra layer of security to your form. Make two copies of the Sale Document; the buyer will keep the prototype.