Nebraska General Bill of Sale
To confirm the legality of a sales transaction involving the buying and selling of personal property, a Nebraska general bill of sale is drawn.  It can be an individual or an entity but the bill of sale details important information related to the transaction. This includes but isn’t limited to the date, description of the items, purchase price, names of the parties involved, etc. 
It is necessary that this form is approved by authorized (Notary) persons, for it to be legally enforceable.

In Nebraska, do I need a bill of sale?

If you are planning on selling personal property or a specific item, you must prepare a Bill of Sale because the new owner must register the item. If you fail to do so, your transaction cannot go forward. A bill of sale confirms your ownership of the property or that you are no longer responsible for it when you sell it.

How to Complete a Nebraska General Bill of Sale

On this page, you can select from a variety of formats and download options for completing the general bill of sale. You may choose to download either the PDF or Word documents.

Step 1. Whenever you draft the paperwork, you should mention the date on the first page. Be sure the date is filled in correctly. After the date, you need to include the names of the buyer and seller. The addresses should also be included. Both parties need to provide their postal addresses.

Step 2. Listed here is all the information you will need about your property. Among the information that can be recorded are serial numbers, manufacture dates, colors, and brands. To avoid being misled, be sure to carefully review the product details.

Step 3. There is all the financial information you will need for the purchase in this section. For dollar amounts, please provide words as well as figures. Please specify the preferred mode of payment here if applicable. It is possible to make installment payments in advance or to make a lump sum payment later. Exchanges are also possible. You can choose what works best for you.

Step 4. General bills of sale are typically used when personal property is sold without a buyer's guarantee. A general bill will usually say that the property is being sold "as is". In order to reach a successful future agreement, the buyer and seller (both parties) must comprehend this section in its entirety.
Step 5. When a sale is completed, both the buyer and seller must sign the bill of sale. The sale is only valid if it is notarized. Keeping a copy of every document you handle is a good idea for security purposes and for future reference