Furniture bill of sale
The furniture bill of sale contains information about the legal sale and purchase of household or outdoor furniture. As a receipt, the document is completed and provided to the buyer at the time of purchase. All signatories should receive a copy of the document for their records.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Bill of Sale for Furniture?

A Furniture Bill of Sale documents a legal transfer of ownership between the old and new owners of furniture. It serves the following purposes:

  • Proof of purchase

  • sets forth the terms of the purchase that are agreed upon by both parties

  • In case of fraud, mishandling, or disagreements after purchase, either side is protected

  • As proof of ownership by receipt

Used Furniture: Where and How to Sell

You may not know the best way to sell furniture if you aren't aware of the best techniques. Below is a helpful guide:

1. Create quality ads with high-resolution photos

With a bit of cleaning and refurbishing (if necessary), give the old furniture a new shine. Taking different shots from different angles will give potential buyers a better idea of the size, color, and details of the furniture you're selling.

2. List your ad in local directories and websites

Your friends and family can help spread the word about your sale if you let them know. Post a few flyers, use social media to your advantage, and/or use newspaper classifieds to get buyers' attention.

3. Negotiate a price with Interested Buyers

Make sure the furniture can be seen in person before the buyer makes a decision. They will likely negotiate the cost after that. Come to an agreement on the sales price. After that, the bill of sale can be signed.

4. Complete the Furniture Bill of Sale Form

Fill out the Bill of Sale for Furniture in order to finalize the sale. Download and complete the following sections:

  • Purchase date

  • Name & Address of Buyer

  • Name & Address of seller

  • Furniture description

  • Model

  • Manufacturer

  • Distributor (if any)

  • Product Serial Number

  • Color

  • Condition

  • Any other relevant information

  • Cost

  • Signatures of all parties, including those of any witnesses

The sale becomes final once the form is filled out and the purchase price is paid. Make copies of the Furniture Bill of Sale for each party's records. This is a final sale.